How-To Guide
Template Cheatsheet

Template Cheatsheet

Leave your common usage in the comment section below and we will add them to the list.


Get author shorthand

Note Properties
authors: <%= it.authorsShort %>

It will be rendered like Gerasimavicius et al..

Get author shorthand in annotation template

Info about parent literature are stored in it.docItem.

Note Annotation
from <%= it.docItem.authorsShort %>

Get List of Authors in Full Names

Note Properties
authors: [<%= it.authors %>]

Get List of Authors in first name or last name

Note Properties
authors: [<%= => v.firstName) %>]
# or
authors: [<%= => v.lastName) %>]

Do note that first name and last name are not always available.


Get abstract in a single paragraph

Note Content
## Abstract

<%= it.abstractNote.first().replace(/[\r\n]+/g, " ") %>


Include only manually created tags

To include only manually created tags, not the ones retrieved from literature, use the following code:

Note Properties
tags: [<%= it.tags.filter(t => t.type === 0) %>]

This is the default behavior before the change in v1.1.0.


In Zotero, manually created tags have value 0, while the ones retrieved from literature have value 1.


Get when the literature was imported to Zotero

Note Properties
import-date: <%= it.dateAccessed %>

Get publish date

Note Properties
publish-date: <%= %>


Get collections

Note Properties
collections: [<%= it.collections %>]

Get collection with full path

Note Properties
collections: [<%= => c.path) %>]

By default, the collection path is separated by >, output like Collection 1 > Collection 2 > Collection 3. You can customize the separator by using join function.

The following code will output A/B/C, similar to multi-level tags in Obsidian:

Note Properties
collections: [<%= => c.path.join("/")) %>]

Get top-level collections

Note Properties
top-collections: [<%= [ Set( => c.path[0]))] %>]


For details, see Object.groupBy (opens in a new tab) and Map.groupBy (opens in a new tab).

Group by annotation color

Note Annotations
<% const byColor = Object.groupBy(it, (annot) => annot.colorName); 
for (const color in byColor) { -%>

## <%= color %>
  <%_ for (const annot of byColor[color]) { %>

<%~ include("annotation", annot) %>
  <%_ } %>
<% } %>

Group by annotation color, customized label

Note Annotations
<% const byColor = Object.groupBy(it, (annot) => annot.colorName);
const label = {
  "red": "Important",
  "orange": "Question",
  "yellow": "Summary",
  "gray": "Comment",
  "green": "Answer",
  "cyan": "Task",
  "blue": "Fact",
  "navy": "Definition",
  "purple": "Quote",
  "brown": "Source",
  "magenta": "To Do",
// Merge colors with customized label with unexpected colors, if any
// Keep the order of the colors from the original color-label map
const colorSet = new Set([...Object.keys(label), ...Object.keys(byColor)]);
for (const color of colorSet) { 
if (!(color in byColor)) continue -%>

### <%= label[color] ?? color %>
  <%_ for (const annot of byColor[color]) { %>

<%~ include("annotation", annot) %>
  <%_ } %>
<% } %>